Harry Potter and the Alchemist’s Life

Harry Potter and the Alchemist’s Life is a book study, a coaching group, and a big-hearted community of horntails, hippogriffs, and nargles.

It’s an invite-only space to find meaning in the pages of a powerful story and to learn to apply that wisdom in your own life.

Together, we travel deep into the forbidden forest and explore what magic is sparked in our own understanding of friendship, family, love, loss, and courage.

And we support each other to follow that insight and create a life with no regrets.

 Coaching Testimonials


The Purpose of This Group

  • To discover insight for our lives from the stories we read.

  • To be part of a big-hearted, confidential community where you can be raw and real as you explore the deep matters of your life.

  • To laugh, to play, and to be reminded of what is good and important.

  • To build a more meaningful, connected, and magical life.

It is invite-only for magical folk who want to drink deeply from life.  

What It’s (Probably) Like:

This is an unfolding co-created experiment! We will read 3-5 chapters before each monthly session.

In the session we will be thoughtful potion-brewers, distilling the key themes or aspects of each chapter.

Nick may facilitate breakouts or practices for clarifying the wisdom in the story, getting to know members in the group, or exploring how the story can help to inform/support what is going on in your life.

From there, a few individuals will have space to receive direct support from Nick on what is most important in their life and the ways that the wisdom in the story can help them navigate their experience.

What’s Included: 

  • Dates TBD. Zoom session on the second Monday of each month, 6-7:30EST.

  • Members-only WhatsApp group for questions, support, and celebrations between sessions.

  • Optional buddy system for extra support.



$35/mo for the group!



Set up a time to talk with me below before registering for the group. If you can’t find a time on the calendar, shoot me an email at nick@nickshrewsbury.com.

New members can join in wherever we are in the book series.

About Your Coach

Nick Shrewsbury

Nick brings all of his traditional and non-traditional skills to facilitation, including his work as a certified coach, court mediator, tantric teacher, yoga teacher, and wolf caretaker at Mission:Wolf. He helps big-hearted folks to create both intimacy and inner freedom through authenticity and honesty. Nick delights in the ways that group work can exponentially expand the abundance of each member. He spends 6 months of the year at 10,000 feet in the Rockies with 25 wolves.


What is a coaching group?

Coaching is similar yet very distinct from therapy. 

In this group, we will not spend a lot of time talking about the past. 

This is not a space to heal from trauma, depression, etc. Counseling is a better fit for that type of support.

Instead, in this group we will be focused on the present moment and how you can be most alive right now.

It will help you to resolve insecurity, crystallize what is most important to you, and take aligned action to create a life that lights you up more deeply than ever before.

How are you planning to support participants with different identities? 

I am cis, white, and have mostly been in hetero relationships. I acknowledge that despite my best efforts to be inclusive and hold space for different identities and experiences, my perspective is limited.

As a coach, I am here to help you embody your own wisdom and answers. You are the authority on your own truths. I’ve found this approach to be very spacious and supportive for people from many different backgrounds. 

That said, I understand that it can feel nice to have a coach who “gets it,” and will happily refer you to coaches with other identities if you see that would be more aligned for you!